Refinery protects health employees with breathing air Zeevenhooven Air

Breathing Air Zeevenhooven Air

Refinery protects health employees with breathing air Zeevenhooven Air

Employees of a refinery take care of a turnaround at 30 degrees Celsius and humidity of 80 per cent. To guarantee the health and wellbeing of these employees, the company decided to use breathing air during the activities. Zeevenhooven Air proudly delivers these temporary supplies to ensure the highest quality of breathing air.

The temporary breathing air supplies that Zeevenhooven Air delivers to the refinery, consist of the so called TRACY’s, filling stations and the needed breathing air hoses, belts and masks. Therefore, Zeevenhooven Air has also set up a local shop formula in the area, where the personal breathing air equipment is registered issued. Thus, the wellbeing and health of the employees is guaranteed.

Do you want to know how we can support you with breathing air? Please, contact us.